New ePrep CEO

Eprep announced today that Colin Jump has been appointed as CEO of ePrep.
Colin’s experience includes leadership positions in the Analytical Instrument industry, including SGE Director European Operations, Managing Director Shimadzu UK, CEO Microsaic (UK), CEO ETP Election Multipliers (Australia) and CEO Adaptas Solutions Australia.
“We are incredibly fortunate to have someone of Colin’s calibre and seniority join the ePrep team. Colin brings a wealth of experience in product and new technology commercialisation, and he will quickly build momentum in the sales and marketing business, particularly with distributors and commercial partners,” said ePrep’s President and Chairman, Peter Dawes.
“I am excited about joining the ePrep Team at this important time in the company’s development. The future of analytical chemistry development is dependent on improving sample preparation. ePrep’s product offering and technology offer significate opportunity for this to be realised. I look forward to working with Peter and the ePrep Team towards this exciting future,” Colin Jump.